Moran & Haag-Rickert OBGYN

Formally known as Fitzpatrick, Moran, Costa & Haag-Rickert

Phone: 413-781-6210

Fax:  413-733-7570

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Pregnancy & Childbirth

What is an obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a doctor with specialist qualifications in delivering babies and providing medical care to women during pregnancy and after the birth. At Moran & Haag-Rickert OBGYN, we have the skills to manage complex or high-risk pregnancies and births, and can perform interventions and caesareans.

If you are planning a family, whether you already have children or not, Moran & Haag-Rickert OBGYN has compassionate professionals who are experienced in family planning and can help you along the exciting journey of starting or expanding a family. 

Your obstetrician's role in pregnancy

At Moran & Haag-Rickert OBGYN, we will do your antenatal check-ups which include:

  • Check your baby's growth and position
  • Conduct or refer you for routine tests and checks
  • Help you prepare for labor and birth
  • Perform in office ultrasounds

What to expect during pregnancy

First visit

  • calculating how many weeks your pregnancy is and when your due date will be.
  • blood pressure, height and weight
  • medical and family history
  • a blood test, including checking your blood group and test for anemia, rubella immunity, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, chlamydia and HIV
  • urine test, to see if you have a bladder or urinary tract infection
  • screening for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities
  • cervical screening to check for human papillomavirus (HPV) and/or any signs of cervical cancer
  • As part of your check-up, you will usually also discuss with your doctor or midwife:
  • which medications you are taking
  • whether you smoke or drink alcohol
  • whether you would like an influenza (flu) & COVID vaccination
  • which vitamin and mineral supplements you can take or should avoid

10-20 weeks

  • blood pressure and urine test
  • measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby's growth
  • checking how your health is and if there are any problems
  • ultrasound scans to check your baby's physical development, growth and any complications with your pregnancy. If you want to, during the ultrasound, you can find out whether the baby is a boy or girl.

21-28 weeks

  • blood pressure and urine test
  • measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check baby's growth
  • checking how your health is and if you have any problems
  • checking your baby's heartbeat and movements
  • discussing your birth plan and going home with your baby
  • education on the importance of breastfeeding
  • blood test to check for anemia and gestational diabetes
  • if your blood type is Rh negative, an anti-D immunoglobulin injection may be given
  • pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination
  • education on child birthing classes and hospital tours

30-36 weeks

  • blood pressure and urine test
  • measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby's growth
  • checking how your health is and if you have any problems
  • checking your baby's heartbeat and movements
  • vaginal swab for Group B streptococcus (GBS)
  • assessing presentation (which way up your baby is) and station (how far down the baby's head has moved into your pelvis)

37-41 weeks

  • blood pressure and urine test
  • measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby's growth
  • checking how your health is and if you have any problems
  • checking your baby's heartbeat and movements
  • assessing presentation and station
  • education on labor & delivery
  • if you haven’t had your baby yet, checking your baby’s heartbeat and the amount of fluid around them

Labor & Delivery

  • our doctors and nurses will support you through your labor
  • our goal is to help you achieve a healthy and safe delivery
  • we will continue to provide on going care in the months after delivery

To schedule an appointment, please call us at 413-781-6210

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